210* wide 297mm in height is fluent, and drift; write it, and is the loose-leaf notebook of the feeling. A type to be able to write quickly. A ruled line with dot. ◆Ruled line contents: Usually wide ruled line (A ruled line .7mm) (ruled line with dot) ◆ linage: The number of 35 ◆ holes: 30 hole (circle hole) ◆ number of sheets: 50 pieces of quality of paper: Fine paper, paper thickness: 75g/ around ..0.10mm
210* wide 297mm in height is fluent, and drift; write it, and is the loose-leaf notebook of the feeling. A type to be able to write quickly. A ruled line with dot.
◆Ruled line contents: Usually wide ruled line (A ruled line .7mm) (ruled line with dot) ◆ linage: The number of 35 ◆ holes: 30 hole (circle hole) ◆ number of sheets: 50 pieces of quality of paper: Fine paper, paper thickness: 75g/ around ..0.10mm