13 colors of all cores color sets which purple to use well entered! One purple comes! It is with a name seal. ●Colored pencil ●A standard: 12 colors of +1 color ●Set contents: Do not look at 13 colors of = bitter orange colors, pale orange, brown, dirt; a color, a peach color come, and do green, green, あお, くろ; purple, yellow ●Materials: Color axis = color, body color, wax, case, divider = PP, mount = paper ●Accessories: Cut device, eraser, name seal ●Joint plan How to order in shopping cart
13 colors of all cores color sets which purple to use well entered! One purple comes! It is with a name seal.
●Colored pencil
●A standard: 12 colors of +1 color
●Set contents: Do not look at 13 colors of = bitter orange colors, pale orange, brown, dirt; a color, a peach color come, and do green, green, あお, くろ; purple, yellow
●Materials: Color axis = color, body color, wax, case, divider = PP, mount = paper
●Accessories: Cut device, eraser, name seal
●Joint plan
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