Part 12128532942 was found on the following vehicles: K50 (R 1200 GS R 1250 GS) (10/2011 07/2018) K51 (R 1200 GS Adv. R 1250 GS Adv.) (09/2012 07/2018) K52 (R 1200 RT R 1250 RT) (01/2013 12/2019) K53 (R 1200 R R 1250 R) (11/2013 12/2019) K54 (R 1200 RS R 1250 RS) (06/2014 12/2019) K18 (C 600 Sport C 650 Sport) (02/2011 12/2019) K19 (C 650 GT) (01/2011 12/2019)適合車種 BMW C 600 Sport (2011-2019) C 650 GT (2011-2019) C 650 Sport (2011-2019) R 1200 GS (2011-2018) R 1200 GS Adventure (2012-2018) R 1200 R (2013-2019) R 1200 RS (2014-2019) R 1200 RT (2013-2019) R 1250 GS (2018-2018) R 1250 GS Adventure (2018-2018) R 1250 R (2018-2019) R 1250 RS (2018-2019) R 1250 RT (2018-2019)
Part 12128532942 was found on the following vehicles:
K50 (R 1200 GS R 1250 GS) (10/2011 07/2018)
K51 (R 1200 GS Adv. R 1250 GS Adv.) (09/2012 07/2018)
K52 (R 1200 RT R 1250 RT) (01/2013 12/2019)
K53 (R 1200 R R 1250 R) (11/2013 12/2019)
K54 (R 1200 RS R 1250 RS) (06/2014 12/2019)
K18 (C 600 Sport C 650 Sport) (02/2011 12/2019)
K19 (C 650 GT) (01/2011 12/2019)適合車種
C 600 Sport (2011-2019)
C 650 GT (2011-2019)
C 650 Sport (2011-2019)
R 1200 GS (2011-2018)
R 1200 GS Adventure (2012-2018)
R 1200 R (2013-2019)
R 1200 RS (2014-2019)
R 1200 RT (2013-2019)
R 1250 GS (2018-2018)
R 1250 GS Adventure (2018-2018)
R 1250 R (2018-2019)
R 1250 RS (2018-2019)
R 1250 RT (2018-2019)