<< ご注文前の確認事項 >> --------------------------- ・ご注文後に欠品する場合もあります。 ・出荷元の都合により出荷が遅れる場合もあります。 以上の場合は、速やかにご報告いたします。 在庫を多めに確保しておりますが人気商品のため、あらかじめご了承のうえ、ご注文ください。 --------------------------- 詰め物:10層 表布:温度調整機能ニット”Thermic” (ポリエステル64%レーヨン36%) コイル:ポスチャーテックコイル(米国特許取得) エッジサポート:ウレタンケース 重量:21 米国テキサス州シーリータウンで1881年に創業した「シーリー」。 業界に先駆けて整形外科医と連携を図り、独自の「ポスチャーテックコイル」を開発。 現在では世界60ヵ国以上で愛用されるグローバルブランドです。 ・ポスチャーテックコイル 荷重に応じて反発力を調整するスプリングで、体重・体型を問わず最適な寝心地を提供します。 ・温度調整機能ニット”Thermic” マットレス表布には温度調整機能ニット”Thermic”を採用。温度が上がると一時的に熱を吸収、発散させます。 ・ユーロピロートップ仕様 ピロートップよりもファーストタッチはふわりと柔らかく身体を包み込み圧迫を抑制します。 マットレスサイズシングル マットレスのかたさソフト マットレスの種類コイル マットレスサイズ97 × 195 × 33 マットレスの種類スプリング 原産国日本 かたさやわらかめ<< Before placing your order >>---------------------------There is a possibility that the product may be out of stock after the order is placed.In some cases. shipments may be delayed due to reasons beyond our control.In the above cases. we will notify you as soon as possible.Please note that we keep a large stock of this product. but due to the popularity of this product. please be aware of this before ordering.---------------------------?10 Layers?Surface : Temperature Control Knit fabric ”Thermic”?(Polyester 64%. Rayon 36%)?Coils : Posturetech Coils (US Patented)?Edge Support : Urethane case?Weight : 21kgIn 1881. Sealy started making mattresses in Sealy town. Texas USA.Ahead of the industry. Sealy developed the unique "Posturetech Coils" with the cooperation of the orthopedists and has become a global brand whose mattresses are distributed more than 60 countries in the world.-Posturetech CoilA patented coil system which adjust the resilience according to the weights and provide the comfortable feeling for all weights and body types.- Temperature control Knit Fabric ”Thermic”Temperature control knit fabric”Thermic”? for the mattress surface. absorb and disperse the heat.-Euro Pillow TopGives softer feeling at first touch than Pillow Top model and reduces the pressure of your body.Mattress SizeSingleMattress FirmnessSoftMattress CompositionSpringMattress Size97 × 195 × 33 ?Mattress CompositionSpringCountry of OriginJapanFirmnessUltra Soft
マットレスサイズ97 × 195 × 33 マットレスの種類スプリング
かたさやわらかめ<< Before placing your order >>---------------------------There is a possibility that the product may be out of stock after the order is placed.In some cases. shipments may be delayed due to reasons beyond our control.In the above cases. we will notify you as soon as possible.Please note that we keep a large stock of this product. but due to the popularity of this product. please be aware of this before ordering.---------------------------?10 Layers?Surface : Temperature Control Knit fabric ”Thermic”?(Polyester 64%. Rayon 36%)?Coils : Posturetech Coils (US Patented)?Edge Support : Urethane case?Weight : 21kgIn 1881. Sealy started making mattresses in Sealy town. Texas USA.Ahead of the industry. Sealy developed the unique "Posturetech Coils" with the cooperation of the orthopedists and has become a global brand whose mattresses are distributed more than 60 countries in the world.-Posturetech CoilA patented coil system which adjust the resilience according to the weights and provide the comfortable feeling for all weights and body types.- Temperature control Knit Fabric ”Thermic”Temperature control knit fabric”Thermic”? for the mattress surface. absorb and disperse the heat.-Euro Pillow TopGives softer feeling at first touch than Pillow Top model and reduces the pressure of your body.Mattress SizeSingleMattress FirmnessSoftMattress CompositionSpringMattress Size97 × 195 × 33 ?Mattress CompositionSpringCountry of OriginJapanFirmnessUltra Soft